I did an interview with the amazing, incredible, talented Rose!
Why do you blog?
I blog to express my opinion and create content that explains myself in a relatable way, with the goal of getting those who view my work to smile or take one more step toward the life they want to live. :)
How did you start blogging?
When I decided I wanted to. I did a quick search on Google, clicked on the Blogger link and sold my soul to this platform. ;)
Favorite memory?
Meeting Mackenzie Rae in person for the first (and currently only) time on September 13th of 2013. My family drove four hours and I only got to stay with her for one, but I have to tell you, it was the best time of my life. I got a huggy and her sister poured glitter on my head... It was a truly amazing experience.
What are you wearing?
Currently? A (very soft) pink sweatshirt and some black yoga pants (I like to blog in comfort).
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I don't know - I like my name. I think it's quite suiting. :)
Funniest dream you’ve had?
One time I had a dream that I was in a zombie apocalypse with Josh Hutcherson... He didn't like me. Everything I said to him made him shake his head. Then the zombies came after us - and fell into a mud pit. o.O It was super creepy but also hilarious due to its ridiculousness.
Best birthday?
My fifteenth birthday (December of 2012). My mom got me the Vera Bradley bag I'd been longing for - plus a matching lunch box and napkins!
If you could only listen to three songs for the rest of your life, what would you listen to?
Wonderland (by the fabulous T-Swizzle)
Amnesia (by the wonderful 5SOS)
And Act My Age (by the superb One Direction)
Favorite word?
Win. (As in, I win.)
What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people say it's not okay for someone else to do something, but they go ahead and do it themselves because they think they're entitled (that bugs the heck out of me - and I don't even think I explained it right).
Who is your favorite author?
UGH, this question. :P Okay, well, my original favorite author was Suzanne Collins (back when I read the Hunger Games trilogy), but now it's expanded to Veronica Roth, John Green, Andrew Fukuda, Virginia Bergin, Rainbow Rowell, SARK, Stephenie Meyer and much much much much more...
What are you currently writing?
Book four to my The Memory Keeper series.
Who is your favorite character that you have made up?
Zarek. He's a tongueless albino teen who has the heart of a lion and the most amazing mental conceptions he'll never be able to share...
Who was your favorite Disney princess when you where little?
Aurora (Briar Rose). Because people called her Rose... and because she wears pink.
If you could meet your favorite fictional character in real life, who would you like to meet, and how do you think the conversation would go?
I would like to meet Augustus Waters - because if I meet him he's not dead, right? The conversation would go something like this:
Augustus blinked, staring at the eager fangirl (that's me!). "You want to what?"
"I want your autograph, your thoughts on oblivion and a list of reasons why you find Hazel Grace attractive," she replied, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. She was clutching a blue and white book in her hands and not so subtle tears were leaking out of the corner of her eyes.
Augustus shifted his weight, an uncomfortable feeling breaching through his ego. "Um... okay..."
Lastly, any tips for bloggers?
Your blog's design should make you feel good. Having a clean layout accompanied by colors and graphics that please your eye will not only make you want to post, but will inspire those who visit to stay longer. (Need help with this? Click here to visit my shop.)
Check out her blog [HERE]
Check out her blog [HERE]
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your thoughts always make me smile.
have a wonderful day